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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 10 June 2024 - 16 June 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 10 June 2024 - 16 June 2024

10 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What song always lifts your spirits?"


Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Singing along to 'Don't Stop Believin'' brightens my day. I'll create a playlist of uplifting songs to share with friends who need a boost."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley reassures me. I'll play this song during my morning routine for a positive start to the day."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Listening to 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams makes me feel unstoppable. I'll use this track as my alarm tone to wake up energised."

11 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"Who inspires you to be a better person?"


Gratitude Affirmation 1: "My mentor's wisdom and kindness motivate me. I'll express my gratitude with a thoughtful letter and strive to mentor someone else."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "A community leader's dedication to service inspires me. I'll volunteer for a local initiative, contributing to positive change."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "An author's words have shaped my outlook. I'll write a review to share how their book has impacted me, spreading the inspiration."

12 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What lesson did you learn this week?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Patience in the face of delays has taught me to value the present. I'll practice mindfulness exercises to reinforce this lesson."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Learning to accept help has shown me the strength in vulnerability. I'll offer my assistance to others, fostering a supportive community."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "The importance of honest communication was a key takeaway. I'll initiate open conversations with loved ones to strengthen our bonds."

13 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What’s something you did today that made you feel proud?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Completing a challenging workout session showed me my physical capabilities. I'll keep pushing my fitness boundaries."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Offering a listening ear to a friend in need was fulfilling. I'll make myself more available to those who might need support."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Sticking to my budget despite temptations reinforced my financial discipline. I'll review my financial goals and celebrate this win."

14 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"Which recent experience made you laugh out loud?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A video call with old friends brought back hilarious memories. I'll plan regular catch-ups to keep the laughter alive."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Watching a comedy special was the perfect stress reliever. I'll recommend it to someone who could use a laugh."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "A pet's playful antics never fail to amuse me. I'll capture these moments to share the joy with fellow pet lovers."

15 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"How have you grown from a past mistake?"


Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Admitting an error at work and learning from it has improved my problem-solving skills. I'll share what I learned in a team meeting to foster a culture of growth and accountability."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Misjudging a friend's situation taught me the importance of empathy. Moving forward, I'll ask more questions and listen more intently before offering advice."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Overcommitting myself led to stress and burnout, but it taught me to prioritise. I'll use a planner to balance my commitments, ensuring I have time for rest and rejuvenation."

16 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What peaceful activity do you enjoy?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Sketching in my journal brings me inner peace. I'll set aside time each weekend for this meditative practice."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Gentle yoga in the morning calms my mind for the day ahead. I'll explore new poses and sequences to deepen my practice."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Watching the sunset quietly ends my day on a serene note. I'll make it a habit to find beauty in everyday endings."

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