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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 22 April 2024 - 28 April 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 22 April 2024 - 28 April 2024

22 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What recent act of kindness did you perform?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "I offered to listen when a friend needed to vent, providing comfort. I'll remind them and others that I'm here whenever they need support."

23 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What's something new you learned about a loved one?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Learning a family member used to write poetry, I encouraged them to share their writings. We'll set aside time for creative sharing, enriching our family's story."

24 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "How did you prioritise your mental health today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "I started a gratitude journal to end my day on a positive note. Writing down even the small things will be my daily routine to foster a positive mindset."

25 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What book has influenced you recently?"

Gratitude Affirmation: “A book prompted me to revise my daily routines for the better. I'm starting with small, manageable changes to build better habits."

26 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "How have you shown resilience this week?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Supporting a friend through a tough time while managing my own stress proved my resilience. I'll practice self-care to maintain my strength and help others."

27 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What personal quality did you rely on today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "My curiosity led me to research a topic I knew little about, expanding my knowledge. I'll dedicate time each week to learning something new."

28 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Who inspired you recently, and how?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "An author's journey to publication motivated me to start writing again. I'll set aside time daily to work on my projects."

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