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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 25 March 2024 - 31 March 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 25 March 2024 - 31 March 2024

25 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "When did you feel at peace today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "During a quiet walk, I found peace away from my usual busy environment. I’ll seek more moments close to nature."

26 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What made you feel confident today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Completing a task I initially doubted I could handle made me feel strong. I’m motivated to push my limits further."

27 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Which act of self-kindness did you perform today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "I treated myself to my favourite meal as a reminder that it’s okay to indulge sometimes. I’ll continue to find joy in small treats."

28 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What’s something new you discovered about yourself?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Realising I’m more resilient than I give myself credit for was empowering. I’ll face future challenges with renewed confidence."

29 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "How did you overcome a moment of doubt?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Seeking advice from a mentor helped me see the situation more clearly. I’ll continue to reach out for guidance when needed."

30 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What simple act of generosity touched you recently?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Receiving help from a colleague when I was overwhelmed reminded me of the power of teamwork. I’ll make an effort to support my teammates more actively."

31 March 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What moment of the day did you find most fulfilling?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Finishing a long-postponed task gave me a sense of accomplishment. I’ll tackle pending tasks with the same determination."

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