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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 27 May 2024 - 2 June 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 27 May 2024 - 2 June 2024

27 May 2024

Gratitude Prompt

"What recent act of self-kindness did you perform?"

Example Affirmations
Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Taking a mental health day allowed me to recharge. I'll schedule regular self-care days to prioritise my mental well-being."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Investing in a hobby that brings me joy was a gift to myself. I'll dedicate time each week to this activity, nurturing my happiness and creativity."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Saying 'no' to overcommitments protected my time and energy. I'll continue to set boundaries to keep my workload and stress levels manageable."

28 May 2024

Gratitude Prompt

"What aspect of your health are you most thankful for?"

Example Affirmations
Gratitude Affirmation 1: "My physical strength enables me to enjoy life fully.

I'll maintain a fitness routine that supports and enhances this strength."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Mental clarity allows me to face challenges with a positive mindset. I'll practice mindfulness to preserve and improve my mental health."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Emotional resilience has seen me through ups and downs. I'll nurture this resilience by seeking supportive relationships and engaging in reflective practices."

29 May 2024

Gratitude Prompt

"Who do you turn to when you need support?"

Example Affirmations
Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A trusted friend always offers a listening ear. I'll express my gratitude for their support by being equally present for them."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "My family provides unwavering love and advice. I'll show my appreciation through quality time and open communication."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Professional mentors offer guidance and perspective. I'll continue to seek their counsel and acknowledge their impact on my growth."

30 May 2024

Gratitude Prompt

"What’s a fear you’ve conquered?"

Example Affirmations
Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Facing my fear of public speaking by giving a presentation was liberating. I'll seek more opportunities to speak publicly, building my confidence."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Overcoming my fear of failure by launching a project was empowering. I'll embrace future projects with courage, learning from each experience."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Confronting my fear of heights through rock climbing was exhilarating. I'll challenge myself with new adventures, celebrating each triumph over fear."

31 May 2024

Gratitude Prompt

"How have you grown from a past mistake?"

Example Affirmations
Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A miscommunication taught me the importance of

clear dialogue. I'll prioritise effective communication in all my relationships."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Underestimating a project's complexity showed me the value of planning. I'll approach future projects with thorough preparation and flexibility."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Neglecting self-care resulted in burnout. I learned to listen to my body and mind, committing to a balanced lifestyle for sustainable productivity."

1 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"Who made you feel loved today?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A friend's spontaneous call to check in on me warmed my heart. I'll reach out to someone tomorrow to spread that love."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: ”My pet greeted me with undeniable joy. I'll ensure they know their love is reciprocated with extra playtime."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: ”Receiving a heartfelt compliment from a colleague made me feel valued. I'll pass on the kindness with genuine compliments to others."

2 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What challenge are you proud to have faced?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Speaking up in a meeting was outside my comfort zone. I'll continue to voice my ideas, building my confidence."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Finishing a difficult book expanded my understanding. I'll tackle another challenging read to keep growing."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Running further than I thought possible was a breakthrough. I'll set a new distance goal to keep pushing my limits."

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