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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 3 June 2024 - 9 June 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 3 June 2024 - 9 June 2024

3 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What’s a favourite place that always makes you happy?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Visiting the local library fills me with peace. I'll make more time to explore new reads and quiet corners there."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "My garden is a source of joy. I'll plan new additions to enhance this happy place, inviting friends to enjoy it with me."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "The beach near my home is my sanctuary. I'll schedule regular visits to recharge, bringing along a friend who needs uplifting."

4 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"How did a recent failure teach you resilience?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A project at work didn't go as planned, but it taught me flexibility. I'll apply these lessons to future projects with a creative approach."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "A failed recipe became a funny kitchen memory. I'll keep experimenting with cooking, learning from each mistake."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Not reaching a personal goal on time showed me the value of persistence. I'll adjust my timeline and celebrate the progress, not just the outcome."

5 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What hobby brings you a sense of peace?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "Painting allows me to express and find tranquillity. I'll dedicate a space for my art, making it a regular practice."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Playing the guitar soothes me. I'll share this peace by recording a piece and sending it to friends."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Hiking in nature clears my mind. I'll explore new trails, documenting my journeys to inspire others to find their peace."

6 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"When did you last do something just for fun?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "I danced around my living room to my favourite songs. I'll make this a weekly ritual to keep joy in my routine."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Playing board games with family reminded me of simple pleasures. I'll organise game nights more often to keep the laughter going."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Trying out a new baking recipe was a delightful experiment. I'll host a small tasting party to share the fun (and treats) with friends."

7 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What act of generosity have you received?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "A neighbour offered to help with yard work. I'll pay it forward by helping another neighbour in need."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "A colleague shared invaluable advice on a project. I'll look for opportunities to offer my expertise to others."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Receiving unexpected support during a tough time was uplifting. I'll write a thank-you note expressing my gratitude and offering my support in return."

8 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"What recent accomplishment are you most proud of?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "I mastered a complex skill at work. I'll celebrate by sharing this knowledge through a workshop for my team."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Organising a successful community event brought me immense pride. I'll use this experience to plan future events that bring people together."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Achieving a personal fitness milestone has boosted my self-esteem. I'll set a new goal, encouraging a friend to join me on the journey."

9 June 2024

Gratitude Prompt:

"How did you help a stranger recently?"

Gratitude Affirmation 1: "I gave directions to a tourist, making their day a bit easier. I'll stay observant to offer help whenever I see someone in need."

Gratitude Affirmation 2: "Donating clothes to a shelter provided warmth to those facing hard times. I'll organise a drive to collect more items in need."

Gratitude Affirmation 3: "Offering a comforting word to someone who seemed down lifted their spirits. I'll continue to extend kindness to strangers, recognising the impact it can have."

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