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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 1 April 2024 - 7 April 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 1 April 2024 - 7 April 2024

1 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: “What unexpected kindness did you witness today?”

Gratitude Affirmation: “Someone complimented my work unexpectedly, boosting my mood. I'll make it a point to offer genuine compliments to others."

2 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Reflect on a conversation that made you feel understood."

Gratitude Affirmation: "A friend listened without judgment as I shared my worries, making me feel supported. I'll be that attentive listener for someone else."

3 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What project or task brought you satisfaction upon completion?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Completing a challenging assignment on time taught me the value of perseverance. I'll tackle future tasks with the same determination."

4 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Identify a song that moves you and why."

Gratitude Affirmation: “My favourite song pumps me up and motivates me to face challenges head-on. I'll use it as my anthem for tackling complex tasks."

5 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What challenge have you recently transformed into an opportunity?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Being passed over for a job led me to pursue a passion project. I'll dedicate time each week to develop this project further."

6 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Which sense did you appreciate most today?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "The taste of a loved one’s recipe brought back wonderful memories. I'll learn and preserve family recipes for future generations."

7 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Recall a piece of advice that has guided you."

Gratitude Affirmation: "'You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take' encouraged me to seize opportunities. I'll take a chance on something new this month."

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