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  • Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 8 April 2024 - 14 April 2024

Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and Affirmations - 8 April 2024 - 14 April 2024

8 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Describe how you helped someone today."

Gratitude Affirmation: "I gave constructive feedback to a coworker, which helped them progress. I'll strive to be a supportive and honest team member."

9 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What personal fear are you addressing?"

Gratitude Affirmation:"I'm confronting my fear of failure by setting small, achievable goals. Celebrating each small win builds my confidence."

10 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Reflect on a recent learning moment from a failure."

Gratitude Affirmation: "Miscommunication in a relationship highlighted the need for clarity. I'll prioritise open and honest communication moving forward."

11 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "What cultural or family tradition fills you with pride?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "Cooking traditional meals for friends teaches them about my heritage. I'll host a cultural exchange dinner soon."

12 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Share a small personal achievement."

Gratitude Affirmation: "I completed a week without social media, leading to more productive days. I'll aim for more tech-free periods.”

13 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Who has supported you unconditionally?"

Gratitude Affirmation: "My pet’s unwavering companionship brightens my darkest days. I'll ensure they know they're loved and valued."

14 April 2024

Gratitude Prompt: "Name a gesture of affection you received."

Gratitude Affirmation: "A warm hug from a friend reminded me of what's important. I'll make more time for friend’s moments that matter."

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