Finding Gratitude in Life's Liminal Moments

Navigating the Space Between - Gratitude Through Transitions

Hello friends,

This week, in our “Gratitude Through Transitions” journey, we explore one of the most challenging aspects of change … the space between. These “liminal spaces”—the threshold moments between what was and what will be—can feel uncertain and uncomfortable. Yet, with gratitude as our compass, we can find meaning and growth in these in-between times.

The Nature of Transition TL; DR

Change is inevitable, but our perspective shapes our response to it. When we approach transitions with gratitude, we create emotional stability that helps us navigate uncertainty while honouring what we're leaving behind and what lies ahead. This campaign explores how gratitude can transform our relationship with change.

Table of Contents

Understanding Liminal Spaces

  1. Embracing the In-Between:

    • Explanation: Liminal spaces are threshold moments - the time between "no longer" and "not yet."While these periods can feel unsettling, they also offer unique opportunities for reflection, growth, and reinvention. Gratitude helps us find stability in these fluid times.

    • Tip: Create a "Present Moment Anchor Log" where you note three stable elements you're grateful for each day, no matter how small. These become your touchstones during uncertainty.

  2. Finding Certainty in Uncertainty:

    • Explanation: When everything feels in flux, gratitude helps us recognise the constants in our lives - our values, strengths, and core relationships. These become our foundation when other aspects of life feel uncertain.

    • Tip: Each day, identify one "certainty anchor" - something reliable and unchanging that you can count on. Express gratitude for this stability amidst change.

  3. Growing Through the Unknown:

    • Explanation: Liminal spaces, while challenging, often hold the seeds of profound growth. Gratitude helps us remain open to these opportunities while maintaining our emotional balance.

    • Tip: End each day by noting one way the current uncertainty is helping you grow or learn. Thank this period of transition for its hidden gifts.

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Gratitude Journaling Method: The Liminal Space Navigation Technique

Today, we explore a method specifically designed for threshold times:

  1. Create Three Sections:

    1. "Stable Ground" (What remains constant)

    2. "Present Moment Gifts" (Today's small mercies)

    3. "Future Possibilities" (Potential opportunities)

  2. Daily Practice:

    • Write in each section, focusing on finding gratitude in certainty and uncertainty.

  3. Example Entry:

    1. Stable Ground:

      I am grateful for my morning routine - it anchors me no matter what changes.

    2. Present Moment Gifts:

      I am thankful for this quiet afternoon to reflect and process my feelings.

    3. Future Possibilities:

      I appreciate how this uncertainty teaches me to trust my intuition.

Gratitude Gem

"In the space between what was and what will be, gratitude becomes our compass, helping us navigate uncertainty with grace and trust."

- Unbound Gratitude

Call to Action

Try it today:

  1.  Morning Anchor: Use the Liminal Space Navigation Technique to stabilise your day.

  2. Midday Check-in: Identify and appreciate one constant in your life.

  3. Evening Reflection: Note one way today's uncertainty has helped you grow.


Remember, liminal spaces, while challenging, hold profound potential for transformation. Let's explore how gratitude can help us navigate these threshold times with greater ease and awareness.

“Gratitude Is A Practice, Not A Performance.”

Until next week,


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