Gratitude for Personal Creativity

Translating Gratitude into Meaningful Actions

Hello, friends.

Welcome back to Unbound Gratitude!

This week, we’re focusing on cultivating gratitude through personal creativity. Engaging in creative activities boosts our mental well-being and provides a wonderful opportunity to practice gratitude. We can enhance our overall sense of fulfilment and joy by appreciating our creative process and its outcomes.

The Translating Gratitude into Meaningful Actions TL: DR
Practising gratitude is akin to going to the gym: transformation isn’t immediate, but the benefits are profound with consistent effort. Maintenance routines, with their daily repetition, are where the real power of gratitude lies. These routines provide a consistent framework where the impact of gratitude can accumulate over time.

Table of Contents

Gratitude in Personal Creativity

  1. Gratitude in Artistic Expression: When you engage in artistic activities such as drawing, painting, or sculpting, take a moment to appreciate the skills and creativity you’re exercising. Reflect on the joy and relaxation these activities bring you.
    Tip: While creating art, think about the aspects of your life or experiences that inspire you and express gratitude for them through your artwork.
    Share Your Work: Share your artwork with friends or family. Expressing gratitude for the positive feedback and support can enhance your sense of accomplishment.

  2. Gratitude in Writing: Whether journaling, writing poetry, crafting an email or working on a novel, acknowledge the therapeutic and expressive power of writing. Appreciate the thoughts and ideas that flow from your mind to the page.
    Tip: Start each writing session by noting something you’re grateful for. Let this gratitude influence your writing and infuse it with positive energy.
    Share Your Stories: Share your writing with a writing group or friends. Expressing gratitude for the feedback and encouragement can enhance your sense of fulfilment.

  3. Gratitude in Music: When playing an instrument or listening to music, focus on the emotions and memories the music evokes. Be grateful for the ability to create or enjoy these sounds.
    Tip: Create a gratitude playlist with songs that make you feel thankful and uplifted. Play this playlist during your creative sessions to enhance your mood and inspiration. (One of my personal favourites!)
    Share Your Tunes: Share your musical creations or favourite songs with others. Express gratitude for the joy and connection music brings.

  4. Gratitude in Crafting: Engage in activities like knitting, crocheting, or DIY projects with gratitude for your ability to create something tangible. Reflect on the satisfaction and relaxation these hobbies bring.
    Tip: As you work on your crafts, think about the joy they will bring you or others who receive them. Express gratitude for the creative process and the result.
    Share Your Creations: Share your crafts with friends, family, or a crafting community. Express gratitude for the appreciation and support you receive.

  5. Gratitude in Cooking/Baking: When preparing a meal or baking, take a moment to appreciate the ingredients and the nourishment they provide. Reflect on the joy of sharing your creations with loved ones.
    Tip: Before you start cooking, express gratitude for the food and the opportunity to prepare it. Enjoy the process and be thankful for the skills and creativity in making delicious dishes.
    Share Your Meals: Share your culinary creations with family or friends. Express gratitude for the positive feedback and the joy of sharing a meal.

By embedding gratitude into your creative activities, you can transform these moments into powerful expressions of appreciation and joy.

Integrating gratitude into your creative practices influences your well-being and sense of fulfilment.

Notice how it enhances your enjoyment of these activities and deepens your appreciation for your creative abilities.

Practising gratitude in personal creativity can lead to long-term positive effects and a richer creative experience.

Gavin Kemp

Inside the Author Mind: Gavin’s Notes

Gratitude in Personal Creativity is a topic that is very dear to me.

As an author of fantasy novels, newsletters, and other writing ventures, I feel most at home crafting stories. But there is a more difficult side to all of this: the constant promotion, technical understanding of systems and applications, and understanding of the ever-evolving platform algorithms.

It is exhausting.

As a creative person, I know that I must do all of this to get my writing into the hands of my readers.

It took a long time off scowling at my computer to understand how to deal with these musts. I had to recognise that they were all part of the process. When I approach all of these tasks, I remind myself that without readers, my work is a story untold. Tackling the technical tasks of indie publishing and newsletter platform understanding is part of getting those stories told.

All of this took time, though. It didn’t happen overnight.

It took a bit of real frustration and heartache until it clicked in my brain. It all stemmed from being grateful for writing. All I needed to do was move gratefulness from writing to the other necessities of my workflow. While doing that, I feel grateful for the people I can share these stories with.

What I have learnt about gratitude in personal creativity is that it is transferable. Gratitude has no boundaries and no finite path to follow. It is interchangeable and can positively affect all parts of our lives. If you are feeling grateful in one aspect of your life… transfer it to another part of your life. It may not seem obvious initially, but slowly, as we build this muscle, gratefulness will also appear in that part of your life.

Over time, it will compound and feel natural through the enjoyable and the unenjoyable.

My week ahead:

Last week, I gave myself the task of finishing my email entertainment course. I completed it and celebrated with a double scoop of double-flake ice cream. (The joy of ice cream.)

It is now with my copy editor for line editing and approval. I also re-released two of my largest novels, which are ready for audio.

This week, I will learn the ins and outs of complex email automation. I know the basics, but now, I must progress to the more complex. Please wish me luck…

I will try to maintain an adult, sensible level of gratitude while I work through it. (I cannot promise anything! There will be head scratching, grumbling and scowling, but gratefulness when I achieve it.)

Have a great week, and please create something just for you this week. Then, share it.


"Creativity takes courage. Gratitude gives it wings."

- Unbound Gratitude

Call to Action

Try it today:

  1. Artistic Gratitude: Appreciate the inspiration and joy from your artistic activities.

  2. Writing with Gratitude: Start your writing sessions by noting something you’re grateful for.

  3. Musical Gratitude: Create and enjoy a gratitude playlist during your creative sessions.

  4. Crafting with Gratitude: Reflect on the joy and satisfaction your crafting brings.

  5. Cooking/Baking with Gratitude: Express gratitude for the food and the opportunity to create delicious dishes.

Integrating gratitude into your creative practices can lead to long-term positive effects and a deeper appreciation for your efforts and progress. Let’s make gratitude a natural part of our creative routines and continue to inspire each other on this journey!

Have a wonderful week!

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