Gratitude in Action - Growing to Give Back

Ambition and Appreciation

Hello friends,

Can you believe it's been six weeks of diving deep into the power of gratitude and its role in fuelling our ambitions? We've explored how to redefine success, identify growth opportunities, set meaningful goals, navigate challenges, and celebrate progress, all through the lens of appreciation.

But this week, we're taking it to the next level.

We're talking about how to turn all that gratitude and growth into something even more significant: a chance to give back and make a real difference in the world. Get ready to discover how your journey of ambition and appreciation can create a ripple effect of positive change that goes far beyond yourself.

Ambition and Appreciation TL;DR:

Gratitude isn’t just about appreciating what you have. It’s also a powerful tool for recognising and unlocking your potential. When you start from a place of gratitude, you create a positive foundation that nurtures your ambition rather than stifles it. By embracing gratitude, you can amplify your drive to grow, turning what you have into a springboard for achieving even greater things.

This week, we're exploring practical ways to turn your gratitude into action so you can use your growth journey to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Table of Contents

Strategies for Turning Gratitude into Action

  1. Identify Your Unique Gifts:
    Explanation: The first step in using your growth to give back is identifying your unique gifts and resources. This isn't just about money or material possessions—it’s about the skills, experiences, and perspectives you can bring. When you start to see your journey as a source of value for others, you open up a whole new world of possibilities for making a difference.
    Tip: Take some time this week to reflect on your growth journey. What lessons have you learned, what obstacles have you overcome, and what talents have you developed that could serve others? Make a list of your unique gifts, and start brainstorming ways you could use them to give back to your community, your industry, or the world at large.

  2. Find Your Cause:
    Explanation: Once you've identified your unique gifts, the next step is finding a cause or community that resonates with your values and passions. This is about aligning your desire to give back with a mission that truly matters to you. Contributing to something you care about sincerely will make your impact more authentic and meaningful.
    Tip: Research this week on organisations, initiatives, or causes that align with your values and areas of expertise. Look for opportunities to volunteer your time, your skills, or your resources in a way that feels genuinely fulfilling to you. And don't be afraid to start small - sometimes, the most impactful acts of giving back happen on a local, grassroots level.

  3. Make Gratitude a Team Sport:
    Explanation: Giving back is not a solo endeavour - it's a chance to come together with others who share your heart to make a difference. When you approach giving back with a spirit of collaboration and community, you multiply your impact exponentially. Plus, there's something so powerful about working alongside others who are passionate about the exact cause. It fuels your fire and reminds you that you're part of something bigger than yourself.
    Tip: Look for ways to involve your friends, family, colleagues, or social networks in your efforts to give back. Maybe you organise a team fundraiser, volunteer together at a local event, or share your passion for a cause and invite others to join you. The more you make gratitude a team sport, the more you'll create a culture of appreciation and generosity that ripples out far and wide.

As we come to the end of our "Ambition and Appreciation" journey, take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. What growth have you experienced, lessons have you learned, and successes have you celebrated? And now, how can you use that to make a meaningful difference in the world around you?

Gavin Kemp

Inside the Author Mind: Gavin’s Notes

The standard narrative about giving back often goes like this. ‘When I have achieved x, I will give back y.’

I told myself, ‘I just need to achieve this one more thing – make more money, move to a better neighbourhood, meet this person, become well known.’

This trap is something I fell into for a long time.

As someone born with cerebral palsy, I should have recognised the immense sacrifice and giving that surrounded me, especially in my early years. Numerous physios, nurses, doctors, and teachers were either underpaid or even volunteering their time to help me get back on my feet. They were always there without fail when I needed them. This was their version of using their skills to give back; I am immensely grateful.

So, what could I do to give back?

As I grew older, I realised that my most precious resource was my time, which could be the currency I use to give back to others.

This realisation led me to start the Unbound brand. By creating this brand and writing these articles, I hope to help at least one person each week. If it helps one person a week, I consider it a success. It is my small way of giving back, and it is so rewarding.

To all of our subscribers, thank you for allowing me to give a little back.

I hope you all enjoyed this series on Ambition and Appreciation. Your messages have been both moving and rewarding.

I will see you next week with a brand-new series.



Gratitude is not just a feeling. It’s a force for positive change. When we let our appreciation fuel our actions, we become unstoppable agents of transformation in the world around us.

- Unbound Gratitude

Call to Action

Try it today:

  1. Reflect on Your Gifts: This week, journal about your growth journey and the unique gifts and lessons you've gained. Brainstorm ways you could use those gifts to give back to others.

  2. Research Your Cause: Research organisations, initiatives, or causes that align with your values and areas of expertise. Identify one or two that really resonate with you and look for ways to get involved.

  3. Rally Your Crew: Reach out to your friends, family, or colleagues and share your passion for giving back. Invite them to join you in a specific act of service or generosity and see how you can make an even more significant impact.

Remember, your journey of ambition and appreciation is not just about personal growth—it’s about using that growth to make a real difference in the world. So, as we wrap up this series, let’s commit to keeping the spirit of gratitude in action alive in everything we do. When we use our own success to uplift others, that's when we truly start living out our purpose.


And just like that, our six-week "Ambition and Appreciation" journey has ended. But it feels like we’re just starting in so many ways. Because now, we're not just equipped with the tools and mindsets of gratitude - we're ready to put them into action in a way that creates real, lasting change.

So here's to a lifetime of growing and giving, appreciating and acting, and turning our own blessings into blessings for the world around us. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for all the ways you’re already using your gifts to make a difference. Keep shining that grateful light, my friends—the world needs it now more than ever.

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