Gratitude Journaling - My 21-Day Challenge

My Versatile Prompt: “Share a small daily achievement.”

13 May 2024

Today, I gave myself three simple tasks that I had been avoiding. I allocated some time, turned on some instrumental music, and completed the tasks.

By doing so, I removed them from my mind’s list of worries, which allowed me to focus on something I wanted to do. 🙌

14 April 2024

Today, I made sure to drink my full quota of water. I usually forget, but setting reminders on my watch helped me stay on track. I will strive to maintain this water intake for the entire challenge.

15 May 2024

I had a challenging two-hour meeting today. I got to the meeting venue 15 minutes before to compose myself. I stayed positive and alert and answered the questions when I was called. I am grateful I took the time to prepare.

16 May 2024

I took the afternoon off today. I recharged my batteries with a bit of downtown.

17 May 2024

Today I watched a podcast featuring Ali Abdaal and Dickie Bush. They touched on a journaling technique that identifies bottlenecks in health, relationships and business. I am grateful for their insights.

18 May 2024

Today, I wrote one whole chapter of my new novel. I am grateful for my imagination and its creation of some of the most creative things.

19 May 2024

We have had grey skies for over six months. Today, it started off cloudy but turned beautiful mid-morning. I have been sitting writing this afternoon, and the sun on my face has been wonderful. I am grateful for the sunshine as it has motivated me to finish another chapter.

20 May 2024

Thunderstorms, lightning, and lots of rain! Mother nature is a force to be reckoned with. I am grateful for being safe in these times, but I am also revelling in the wonder of our planet’s power.

21 May 2024

Today, I signed up for a small course that starts in June. I am excited. I am grateful for the people who write these small courses and are willing to share their years of hard-earned knowledge.

22 May 2024

It was another good day of writing. I completed half a chapter on my new book. I also baked bread rolls, which I love to do.

23 May 2024

Today I had to stand up for myself.

Taking a stance is uncomfortable at the time, but in the long run, my values are protected.

24 May 2024

I had such an amazing session with my life coach today. We went through something called a life wheel focusing on happiness. After listing out each item that made me happy, we put a score against it and then looked at which part of that wheel I wanted to progress. I am so grateful for my life coach and what she brings.

25 May 2024

Today was a bit of a grind. I always feel a little bit down after my life coach sessions. I feel extremely motivated but, at the same time, a bit down. I think it's a transition from the lovely highs of working through something so special on Friday to my emotions trying to equalise on Saturday. I know what it is, so I can acknowledge it and ride through it. Sunday is always a great day.

26 May 2024

I finished all of my tasks for today. I also sent out my newsletter and received some lovely responses from our subscribers. It amazes me how many people are interested in gratitude journaling.

27 May 2024

It's a bank holiday today, and I needed some time to relax. I baked another batch of bread rolls, which were not the best. I will stick to this challenge until one day, I make the best bread rolls ever.

28 May 2024

What a day! I learned how to post a massive Twitter thread about gratitude journaling. This is such a big step for me because I am not that great with things like Twitter. It took time, but I am really happy about it!

29 May 2024

I helped two clients sort out their novels on Amazon today. Seeing the joy in their faces always fills me with happiness. Writing a novel takes a lot, and helping writers publish their novels correctly always relieves some of their stress.

30 May 2024

Today was a tough day at my full-time job. The world is in such a weird place right now, with so many uncertain things. The small piece that I will take away from today is that I stood up for myself. Sometimes, doing this when options seem limited is quite scary. I know that future me will be happy for standing my ground.

31 May 2024

I love Fridays. I don’t work the day job on Fridays, and I dedicate this full day to life coaching, writing coaching, and Unbound Gratitude. Every Friday night, I go to bed tired—but a very good tired. My small achievement today was realising that happiness is not a flag in the ground that we work to. It's ever-moving and ever-evolving. Most times, happiness is enjoying the journey.

1 June 2024

I woke up today with the full intention of working the whole day through my courses. I got to about 3 p.m. and realised I needed some down time. I watched a really bad movie. For some reason that motivated me to carry on with my courses. I finished at around 9pm. Tired, but happy. I achieved the next stage in the Unbound Gratitude Course design.


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