Setting Growth-Oriented Goals with Gratitude

Ambition and Appreciation

Hello friends,

It's Week 3 of our "Ambition and Appreciation" journey, and we're excited to explore how gratitude can be your secret weapon in setting growth-oriented goals that stick. We've all been there—setting goals that feel more like wishful thinking than actionable plans. But what if we told you that gratitude could be the missing ingredient to make your goals achievable and truly fulfilling? Let's dive in and discover how to set goals that align with your ambitions and your appreciation for the journey ahead.

Ambition and Appreciation TL;DR:

Gratitude isn’t just about appreciating what you have. It’s also a powerful tool for recognising and unlocking your potential. When you start from a place of gratitude, you create a positive foundation that nurtures your ambition rather than stifles it. By embracing gratitude, you can amplify your drive to grow, turning what you have into a springboard for achieving even greater things.

This week, we’ll explore how to infuse your goal-setting process with gratitude so you can create goals that inspire you to grow in authentic and rewarding ways.

Table of Contents

Gratitude-Infused Goal-Setting:

  1. Start with Appreciation:
    Explanation: Before setting any goals, take a moment to reflect on what you're grateful for in your life. What experiences have shaped you? What strengths have you developed? What relationships uplift you? Starting from a place of appreciation creates a positive foundation for your goals.
    Tip: Write a gratitude letter to yourself, acknowledging how you've grown and what you're thankful for. You can use this letter as a starting point for setting goals that align with your values and build upon your existing strengths.

  2. Craft Goals That Honour Your Journey:
    Explanation: Gratitude helps you see your life as a unique journey, not just a checklist of achievements. When setting goals, consider how they fit into the bigger picture of your personal growth. Are they aligned with your values? Do they build upon the lessons you've learned? Do they honour the progress you've already made?
    Tip: For each goal you set, write down why you're grateful for the opportunity to pursue it. How does it contribute to your overall growth journey? How does it align with what matters most to you? This gratitude-infused perspective will help you stay connected to the deeper meaning behind your goals.

  3. Celebrate Growth Along the Way:
    Explanation: Gratitude isn't just about appreciating the end result; it's about celebrating the growth you experience along the way. As you work towards your goals, take time to acknowledge your efforts and progress, no matter how small.
    Tip: Keep a gratitude journal specifically for your goals. Each day, write down one thing you're grateful for in relation to your progress. It could be a new insight you gained, a challenge you overcame, or a small step you took towards your goal. By consistently celebrating your growth, you'll stay motivated and connected to the joy of the journey.

Take some time this week to reflect on your current goals. Do they align with what you're truly grateful for in your life? How can you infuse more gratitude into your goal-setting process?

Gavin Kemp

Inside the Author Mind: Gavin’s Notes

I used to set goals based on what I thought I ‘should’ want rather than what truly mattered to me. It wasn't until I started practising gratitude that I realised my goals were missing something.

That something was a core ingredient called … happiness.

What are the goals I ‘want’ to achieve rather than the goals I ‘should’ achieve, and will these goals, in the same way, increase my happiness?

The goals become more real and clear when seen through the gratitude lens. What makes me happy now, and what journey did I take to get there?

A little hack I use for goal setting is breaking down a big goal into smaller goals (simple enough) … but then … making sure I truly gratefully celebrate when each small goal is achieved.

That small, quick-fire celebration feeds the grateful muscle, which is what I am trying to build.


'Gratitude turns goals from mere destinations into meaningful journeys of growth and appreciation.’

- Unbound Gratitude

Call to Action

Try it today:

  1. Gratitude Foundation: Before setting new goals, write a gratitude letter to yourself, acknowledging your growth and what you’re thankful for.

  2. Goal Alignment: For your current goals, write down why you're grateful for the opportunity to pursue it, and how it aligns with your values and growth journey.

  3. Celebrate Progress: Start a gratitude journal specifically for your goals, and write down one thing you're grateful for each day about your progress.

Remember, setting goals with gratitude isn't about lowering your ambitions; it's about raising your appreciation for the journey. By infusing your goals with gratitude, you create a roadmap for growth that is both challenging and deeply fulfilling.

The daily prompts will be expanded starting in September. We will add more targeted prompts to help us reflect on where we are and where we want to go.

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