Gratitude Journaling - Permission to want more

Hello, friends,

Welcome to another edition of Gratitude Journaling.

Last week, we discussed negative affirmations and their power. To help combat negative affirmations, we proposed three journaling topics: Acknowledgement of Growth, Gratitude is Personal, and Permission to Want More.

The first two topics are self-explanatory, but the third topic, Permission to Want More, warrants further discussion as it could be conceived as contradictory.

The contradiction - I am grateful for what I have but want more.

Our first trigger to choose stems from our environment. In today’s world marked by political, social, and ideological polarisation, it often feels necessary to choose a side. You might feel pressured to either be grateful for what you have or continually seek more.

Our second trigger relates to last week's newsletter topic: the impact of negative affirmations. The statement ‘I should be more grateful for what I have’ can paradoxically foster feelings of ingratitude. This confusion arises from questioning how to desire more when acknowledging our blessings.

The solution lies in redefining or reframing 'want more' to 'I would like to grow.'

Being grateful at each stage of our growth gives us immense power. Expanding our skills and capabilities across different areas of life brings with it feelings of achievement and self-worth. When we view our longing for more as a wish to grow and remain thankful for each step, we effortlessly allow ourselves to seek greater things.

This week, try these three journal topics.

  • List three areas of your life where you feel a desire for more. For each, identify what specific growth would look like and how you can achieve it.

  • Reflect on a recent achievement. How did this experience contribute to your personal or professional growth?

  • What are the skills or knowledge you wish to acquire? Write about how gaining these would impact your life and contribute to your sense of fulfilment.

Gratitude Gem

‘Embracing growth does not negate gratitude. It builds upon the foundation of what we already love and opens doors to new adventures yet not discovered.’

- Unbound Gratitude

Conversation Corner

‘Jill, I've been thinking about our gratitude journaling, and I’m stuck on something,’ Jack said, leafing through his journal. ‘How can we be truly grateful for what we have and still want more? It feels a bit like a contradiction.’

Jill tapped her pen on her chin. ‘I see what you mean, Jack. It does sound contradictory at first. But think of it this way. Gratitude isn’t about complacency, it’s about appreciating what we currently have, while also acknowledging our capacity for growth. It’s not just saying thanks, it’s understanding our blessings as a foundation to build upon.’

‘So, you're saying that wanting more isn't about being ungrateful for what's already there?’ Jack said, frowning.

‘Exactly!’ Jill said, her eyes lighting up. ‘Wanting more, whether it’s personal development, deeper relationships, or professional success, is really about growth. It’s natural to aspire to evolve and improve. We can be thankful for our current state and still seek to enrich our lives. It’s not greed, it’s growth.’

Jack sat back and thought for a second. He sat forward and said, ‘I suppose it’s like being grateful for a good meal but still looking forward to dessert. The meal’s enjoyment and anticipation of something sweet aren’t mutually exclusive. Does that make sense?’

‘Yes, that does make sense,’ Jill said, smiling at Jack, who always comes up with a food analogy. ‘Our gratitude journals can reflect this, too. They can capture our appreciation for the present and our hopes and plans for the future.’

Jack smiled. ‘I think I get it now. Gratitude grounds us, and our goals propel us forward. We’re acknowledging the good while paving the way for even better.’

‘Spot on,’ Jill said, ‘and setting goals with a grateful heart shows we’re not taking our current blessings for granted.’

‘I’m going to reflect on this in my next journal entry,’ Jack said. ‘I will be thankful for where I am today and set intentions for where I want to be tomorrow.”

‘Here’s to being grateful and ambitious, Jack.’

‘To gratitude and growth, Jill,’ Jack said, smiling.

Daily Prompts and Affirmations

Here is a link to this week’s (8 April 2024 - 14 April 2024) journaling prompts and affirmations.

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Next Week

Next week, we are going to take it up a level and explore gratitude journaling prompts that pack a serious punch. Expect to encounter prompts that stir deeper thoughts and provide substantial food for thought.

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I hope you have a great easter and a lovely week. Here’s to our smiles.

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