Gratitude Journaling - The power of negative affirmations

Hello, friends,

Writing today’s newsletter has filled me with a small amount of anxiety and trepidation.

Whenever we speak about or hear about gratitude, the tone is usually, if not always, positive.

However, there is the opposite of gratitude, which is ungratefulness. Today, we will discuss the effects this term may have had on all of us as we have grown up.

The power of negative affirmations

Let’s pull off the plaster and dive straight in!

Here are some of the most common statements.

  1. ‘After everything we do for you, this is how you repay us?’

  2. ‘You have no idea how good you have it. You're just ungrateful.’

  3. ‘Other kids would be thankful for half of what you have.’

  4. ‘You always want more and more, never appreciating what's right in front of you.’

  5. ‘I can’t believe you’re complaining again. Some children don’t have any of this.’

How did these make you feel? Were any of you transported back to being a child? (I think number 1 was the most used when I was small)

The word ‘ungrateful’ is an enormously powerful tool which can be used to stop us in our tracks.

I bring these negative affirmations up because they are usually used as a disciplinary tool but are not countered with positive affirmations when we act with gratitude.

This is why we need to learn about gratitude and positive affirmations. If we think deeply about it, we have hardly been taught about gratitude or how to be grateful. However, we were, more likely than not, constantly hit right between the eyes with a negative affirmation when we were ungrateful.

So what do we do with this? What’s next?

Here are three journal topics for you to focus on this week to help recognise, accept and move on from past ungrateful negative affirmations.

Acknowledgement of Growth
‘I’ve grown and learned since my childhood. Today, I choose to see the abundance in my life and express gratitude freely.’

Gratitude is Personal
‘Gratitude is a personal journey and feeling. I define it on my own terms, not by comparisons or past criticisms.’

Permission to Want More (we will expand on this next week)
‘Wanting more does not make me ungrateful. It's human to grow and aspire. I can pursue my dreams while being thankful for my current blessings.’

Gratitude Gem

‘Past negative affirmations of being called ungrateful shaped us, but they did not define us. It is through our own exploration that we discover the meaning of gratitude, nurturing it into gratefulness that is entirely our own.’

- Unbound Gratitude

Conversation Corner

‘Jack, I've been struggling lately,’ Jill said, her voice uncertain. ‘Remember how we talked about past negative affirmations? Well, it's hard not to feel defined by those old labels of being ungrateful.’

Jack nodded. ‘Jill, it’s tough, but those past affirmations don’t have to dictate how we see gratitude now. We have the power to redefine it, to understand gratitude in a way that’s meaningful and authentic to us, not based on past criticisms.’

Jill let out a sigh. ‘It's just... sometimes I feel guilty for wanting more from life as if it makes me ungrateful for what I already have.’

Jack closed his journal. ‘Wanting more isn't about being ungrateful. It's about growth, aspiration, and acknowledging that it's okay to strive for more while being thankful for the present.’

Jill smiled. ‘So, it's not an either-or situation? I can be grateful for my current blessings and still dream about achieving more?’

‘Yes,’ Jack said, grinning and clapping his hands together. ‘It's about embracing both with open arms. Your gratitude journal can reflect this balance by documenting what you have today and, at the same time, documenting your aspirations. It's a testament to your journey, showing that gratitude and ambition can coexist beautifully.’

‘That makes so much sense, Jack. It's like permitting myself to dream bigger without negating the value of my current joys,’ Jill said, her shoulders relaxing.

‘Exactly,’ Jack said, opening his journal. ‘Our gratitude journey is unique to us, filled with endless possibilities. It’s about crafting a story that includes gratitude for the now and excitement for what’s to come.’

Jill opened her journal. ‘Here’s to redefining gratitude on our terms and embracing the future with hope and ambition.’

‘And documenting every step of the way in our journals,’ Jack said.

Daily Prompts and Affirmations

Here is a link to this week’s (1 April 2024 - 7 April 2024) journaling prompts and affirmations.

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Next Week

Next week, we will focus on allowing ourselves to want more, as per point three in this newsletter.

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I hope you have a great easter and a lovely week. Here’s to our smiles.

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