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  • Gratitude Journaling - Launching Our 21-Day Challenge - Part 2 of 4

Gratitude Journaling - Launching Our 21-Day Challenge - Part 2 of 4

Hello, friends,

As we gear up for tomorrow’s start of the Unbound Gratitude 21-day gratitude journaling challenge, we are thrilled by your responses to this challenge.

Today's newsletter will give you the essentials to begin this transformative journey.

Launch Day Preparation

Your Toolkit for Success: Below, we have included links to download our specially designed A4 and A5 PDF checklists. Each checklist features a 21-day grid on which you can mark a big 'X' for each day you complete your journaling.

There is also a dedicated space to write your unique, open-ended prompt that will focus your reflections throughout the challenge.

You can print these checklists and place them in a visible spot or tuck them into the front of your journal for easy reference. Make sure to download and print the size that best suits your needs, or keep it accessible digitally for daily use.

A4 - 21 days challenges UG Free printables.pdf175.36 KB • PDF File
A5 - 21 days challenges UG Free printables.pdf159.38 KB • PDF File

Please email us if the links don’t work.

Why 21 Days?

Building a Lasting Habit: We've chosen a 21-day framework for our challenge, inspired by the popular belief that it takes at least three weeks to form a new habit. While the literature on habit formation indicates that the time can vary significantly depending on the person and the behaviour, we find that 21 days is a practical starting point for establishing a journaling routine. This duration provides ample time to integrate gratitude deeply into your daily life, helping the practice evolve from a conscious effort into a natural and fulfilling part of your everyday routine.

Focus and Reflection: As you journal, you’ll delve into different aspects of your prompt each day, encouraging a rhythm of reflection that enhances mindfulness and self-awareness. The 21 days allow these reflections to mature into insights that can influence long-term change.

Crafting Your Versatile Prompt

By now, you should have an idea of the open-ended prompt you will use to Journal against.

If you would like a refresher, click the link below to go to last week’s newsletter, where we explain how to create your versatile prompt.

 My Prompt

I have chosen the prompt: “Share a small daily achievement.”

I will update the link daily if you want to see how I journal against my prompt.

Gratitude Gem

“Gratitude, practised daily, becomes more than a routine—it becomes a way of life.”

- Unbound Gratitude

Conversation Corner

Jack walked up to Jill, checklist in hand. 'Hey Jill, I just downloaded the checklist for our 21-day challenge from the newsletter. It's really happening tomorrow, huh?'

'Yes, it's exciting, isn’t it? How do you feel about starting the challenge?'

Jack sat down beside her, resting his journal on his lap. 'I'm pumped, but also a bit nervous. The newsletter mentioned keeping our checklists visible, and I'm thinking of pinning mine right above my desk. What about you?'

'That’s a great idea,' Jill said, nodding. 'I’m going to keep mine in my journal. I carry it everywhere, so it’ll always remind me to write down my thoughts. Plus, having our open-ended prompt written on it will really personalise the experience.'

Jack tapped his chin thoughtfully. 'Yeah, about that prompt... I chose, “What moment today brought me peace?” I figured it would help me focus on the positive moments each day. What’s your prompt?'

'I went with “What made me smile today?” I think it’ll push me to reflect on even the challenging parts of my day with a grateful mindset.'

Jack chuckled. 'That’s so like you, always looking to grow. But you know, I’m still a bit anxious about sticking with it for the full 21 days.'

Jill nodded. ‘Remember what the newsletter said about the importance of these 21 days? It’s about forming a habit. Every check on that checklist is a step towards making gratitude a natural part of our lives. And hey, we’re in this together.'

'You’re right. It’s just the start, but I think these small steps will lead to some big changes. And having that checklist will make each day’s progress tangible.'

'Exactly!' Jill said, clapping her hands. ‘To tomorrow.’

Jack lifted his journal. ’21 days of journaling, here we go!’

Ready, Set, Journal!

We are excited to embark on this journey with you and look forward to the positive changes it will bring.

Thank you for joining us in the Unbound Gratitude 21-day challenge. Let’s make these next three weeks transformative!

Happy journaling!

Daily Prompts and Affirmations

Here is a link to this week’s journaling prompts and affirmations.

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